Live Episode #1: What’s the Best Barbell Training or Powerlifting App?



What’s the Best Barbell Training or Powerlifting App?

In our inaugural live audience recording of the PRS Podcast, hosts Drs. Alyssa Haveson and Rori Alter present the history behind the coaching delivery system they custom built for the PRS Sustainable Training Method. 

The PRS Sustainable Training Builder was created to integrate barbell strength and powerlifting programming with the important data analysis needed to meet the 4 Core Goals of PRS and the needs of the athlete.

  1. Maximize strength & muscular development

  2. Reduce injury risk

  3. Optimize goal attainment 

  4. Instill longevity in lifting & life

In this episode they review: 

  1. Why they struggled with coaching platforms like TrueCoach, MyStrengthBook, and others

  2. The layout of the Sustainable Training Builder and how it easily and immediately helps you identify when programming should be adjusted

  3. How the builder integrates recovery and nutrition data with training to envision the whole picture

  4. The seamless integration of the program and training log

  5. The ease in which barbell training programs can be created in under 10 minutes (no more tediously writing each day’s training)

  6. What prebuilt PRS programs are available in the click of a button

To view the live episode’s video and see the PRS sustainable Training Builder in action, click here.

To grab your free version of the Sustainable Training Builder to use with yourself, coaching clients, or rehab clients, access it here!

The free Sustainable Training Builder is 100% customizable, helping you monitor important training parameters so you know exactly when (or when not) to make a change to any or all lifts in your program. 

It is NOT a pre-built program! You’re able to:

✓Create unique and completely individualized programs for yourself or each client

✓Add as MANY exercises as you want 

✓Track and monitor RPE, E1RM, tonnage, and volume for ANY exercise

✓Easily adjust and build programs on a session, weekly, and monthly basis

✓Log and track training directly on your phone

Because of the customization of the builder, it can be used with any type of strength or fitness athlete or exercise enthusiast AND can be used in the rehabilitation setting. 

Download your free Sustainable Training Builder here.

Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:00:01] You know, I don't want to veer off topic. I was just going to say, when we're talking about maintaining an estimated 1RM while in a cut, I think that's something that a lot of people don't think about is that if you do that, you're still making progress. Because you're lifting weight that is relatively heavier compared to your body weight. So even if it just sounds like we're "maintaining," we are not going backward. So if you weigh less, lift the same amount, and maintain an estimated 1RM, you're still getting stronger and making progress. Right?

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:00:35] This is a really important point. And having all of these things that we're tracking can show and give us more input into our training, so regardless of what you choose to do with your diet, you can still get stronger. And I think that's where a lot of novices fall into this, like "I have to bulk or I have to eat more while I'm doing a novice linear progression to get stronger," or "I'm going to just fizzle out of the novice linear progression really quickly." But you don't have to do that. You can get really strong without an increase in body weight, and you can stay strong without losing strength while you are in a cut. Listen, I think if you're doing a severe cut and losing weight really quickly, then if you do a 10 pound water cut. Yes. Obviously, that will affect your strength development, but that doesn't mean you can't get stronger. And what does get stronger mean? I think, Alyssa, hit the point that if your body weight is going down and you're maintaining your strength, you have gotten stronger.

Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:01:53] Yeah. And it's nice to be able to look at these things with our system and, and really be able to monitor them, especially since we know what's going on and that everybody else knows what's happening. So it helps the lifters really see what that progress looks like. And it's nice to be able to look at it over a few weeks, or over a longer period, to see what's happening with training trends and what progress looks like.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:02:30] So I think now would be a good time to share what this actually looks like. So I'm going to give you guys a quick macro to micro overview to look at what is going on in our builder that we put together for ourselves because we weren't finding anything that met the needs of the Sustainable Training Method. This Method allowed us to see the things that we needed to see, in the way that we needed to see them, and track the things that we needed, unlike any other program out there.

RPE in Powerlifting Article:

Tracking Your Barbell Training Article:

Managing Your Training Training Fatigue Article:

PRS Warm Up Calculator:

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Rori IG: @rorimegan_prs

Alyssa IG: @alyssahope_prs