Episode #10: Doing Your First Powerlifting Meet | Sharing Our Stories



Episode #10: Doing Your First Powerlifting Meet | Sharing our stories.

The powerlifting bug. We all get it eventually. When we get under the barbell and train consistently we start to wonder “when should I do a powerlifting meet?”

The problem is that doubt starts to creep in and you think:

“I’m not strong enough.”

“I don’t want to lose.”

“I’m not ready yet.”

But the truth of the matter is, it doesn’t matter.

If you’re thinking about doing a powerlifting meet it means it’s time to do one. 

There are no prerequisites other than reading the rule book and being somewhat familiar with executing the movements.

The goals of your first powerlifting meet are to have fun and get your feet wet. So drop the pressure and get signed up.

In this episode of the PRS podcast, PRS Clinical Coaches Dr. Rori Alter, PT, Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, and Dr. John Petrizzo, PT talk about their very first, and very different, experiences and motivations surrounding their first powerlifting meets. 

Just remember: we all start somewhere!

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:00:27] Today, we're doing a fun episode we didn't prepare anything for. So we have no notes about it. We're just going to talk about this stuff and see how it goes. We thought it would be a really good idea to talk about the impetus or whatever led us to do our first powerlifting meet. So all of us have competed in powerlifting many times over our training careers. And, everyone hesitates to take that step forward and do that thing for the first time. But we all did the thing the first time. So we're going to talk about what led us to get into competing in powerlifting or do our first powerlifting meet. And it's different for all of us, the reasons behind it. So we're just going to talk about our journey into our first powerlifting meet because we know what our clients are like.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:01:54] "Should I do a powerlifting meet? I'm not ready to do a powerlifting competition. I'm not strong enough to get on the platform. I've had so many injuries. I'll get hurt." You know, all those types of things people have, they want to do something but don't know if they should do something or if they're ready. And I'll lead into this episode with: No one will ever be ready for anything. You can never be 100% completely prepared or ready or so. No one's ever going to be 100% prepared or feel that they're ready or this is the right moment. I guess that's like when they say you're never going to be ready to have a kid, you know, which I didn't feel ready to have. We've got a little guy at home, but you know, best decision ever to have a kid. So also the best decision ever to do your first competition.

Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:02:40] same thing.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:02:44] So Alyssa, we were chatting before we started recording this podcast, but you haven't told me anything about it the first time that you ever competed or what led you to compete. And right before we started this episode, you said, I'm going to find this funny. So I'm very excited. I hope that you didn't over-talk yourself up here. So tell us a little bit about your first competition and what led you to do it?

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Web: https://www.progressiverehabandstrength.com

Email: podcast@progressiverehabandstrength.com

Rori IG: @rorimegan_prs

Alyssa IG: @alyssahope_prs