10 Minute Tip #8: How To Overhead Press Optimally (even when everyone says not to!)



How To Overhead Press Optimally (even when everyone says not to!)

The standing barbell overhead press or military press is an essential exercise to include in all powerlifting programs and strength, conditioning programs for sport athletes, and rehabilitation of the upper extremity. So in this episode, we’re going to share how to overhead press optimally and without pain.

The overhead press is often misunderstood by strength coaches, physical therapists, and doctors. Additionally, its importance in supplementing the bench press is often overlooked by most powerlifting coaches and powerlifters.

In this episode of the PRS Podcast, we discuss how to effectively optimize your body position and execution of the overhead press to successfully include it in shoulder and upper extremity rehabilitation, powerlifting programs, and strength and conditioning programs. 

When performed optimally, the overhead press is safe to execute in all populations, even with active shoulder injuries, and is essential to the strength and rehab process because of how it trains the entire shoulder girdle. 

Want some visuals to go along with this episode? [Download the PRS Lifting Manual HERE]

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:00:10] Today, we will discuss the overhead press and the barbell overhead press. So I'm going to go ahead and set a timer for 10 minutes, and we'll tell you how to overhead press as a coach. You can use this step-by-step process to talk about it with your clients, teach it to them, and analyze your client's movements as well as an athlete. So if you're learning to overhead press for the first time, this is the order in which we recommend learning it. And suppose you are a clinical coach or clinician who works with barbell athletes who might be experiencing something related to the overhead press. In that case, you can use this process to break it down, analyze it, and help rebuild their overhead press going forward to avoid or reduce their pain, injuries, and symptoms with the overhead press. So with all that said, I'm going to start the timer. And Alyssa, let's talk about how to set the rack height for the overhead press.

Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:01:42] Alright. So your rack height for overhead press will not be much different than your squat. So it might be a little bit different.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:01:48] from your low bar.

Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:01:50] Than your low bar squat. Yep. So you'll set the rack height at about mid sternum height and really what you want to see, and this goes for any lift. You should have about 1 to 2 inches of clearance when you unrack the bar. So when you unrack for overhead press, you shouldn't have to tiptoe out of the rack, nor should you have four or five inches of standing the bar up out of the rack.

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Web: https://www.progressiverehabandstrength.com

Email: podcast@progressiverehabandstrength.com

Rori IG: @rorimegan_prs

Alyssa IG: @alyssahope_prs