online coaching

How Becoming a PRS Certified Coach (PRSC) Has Impacted My Business And Life

How Becoming a PRS Certified Coach (PRSC) Has Impacted My Business And Life

PRSC Chris Haggit details about his journey to follow his dream of becoming a barbell coach and how Progressive Rehab & Strength gave him the tools to successfully accomplish his dream!

3 Reasons To Be A Barbell Coach & Physical Therapist (And How To Do It!)

3 Reasons To Be A Barbell Coach & Physical Therapist (And How To Do It!)

Wondering why you should become a physical therapist or stay in the physical therapy profession? In this article there are 3 motivations to help you pursue a career in physical therapy with the desire to integrate barbell training into the rehabilitation setting!

How To Close Coaching Clients: The Art Of The First Date Consultation Call

How To Close Coaching Clients: The Art Of The First Date Consultation Call

As a new or seasoned coach, the purpose of a free consultation call is for you and the potential new client to learn about each other and see if you're the right fit. This article breaks down how to handle that first conversation and seal the deal!