The PRS Beginner Barbell Strength Program

This 16-week completely customizable resistance training program tells you exactly what to do every session using the PRS Method for progressing strength training safely and effectively. No more guessing, lower injury risk, and maximized strength outcomes!

The program is for you if:

⚡️You're new to barbell training

⚡️Have been barbell training for any amount of time (months to years) and took more than 4 weeks off

⚡️Recovered from an injury and need to rebuild

⚡️Are a coach or clinician working with athletes who want to get as strong as possible

⚡️Are a rehab clinician looking for guidance on integrating barbell training into the rehab space as safely and as early as possible with any of your patients

How it works:

✔️Select your exercise

✔️Choose the rep scheme

✔️Find your starting loads

✔️Input your efforts

✔️Get the exact program for the next session

Copy and use the program as many times as you like and with any and all your clients if you're a coach or clinician.